TRENDING: Shielding your project from hidden agendas.

Information from experts, contractors, and problem solvers.

Freedom of the Press — never stop learning.

Info and Ideas Magazine is information with no subscription.

How many times have you gone to News Sites and if you want news you have to pay for it through subscriptions? That is not free speech and therefore, does not qualify for freedom of the press privileges. If you have to pay then it is Commercial Speech!

Info and Ideas Magazine is an informative online magazine with articles from experts, contractors, and problem solvers you can read for free. We will not charge you to learn.

We believe in the freedom to access information without a subscription.


Mass shootings in the United States of America

Mass Shootings are defined as an incident in which four or more victims are shot or killed. Quit spending millions of dollars on lobbying to protect the killers and quit wasting your time trying to pass laws that will not solve the problem. Use these funds and efforts to create technology that can spot and stop weapon carrying shooters. With all the technology we have, we can protect our children.

United we stand, divided we fall!

All of 2023

School Shootings 2023

All of 2022

School Shootings 2022

All of 2021

School Shootings 2021

A Message From Our Editor


What are your concerns? Go to the contact page and send us your questions. Our staff will email the information as well as publish the article.

We are experts in many areas of life such as what makes a building, home or office function. Technology runs our daily lives so how do we work around the problems it causes. Saving money solutions such as an alternative to the monthly fee for a storage unit or knowing the right contrator for a job. 

The basic problems in life asked and answered.

Elaine T

Editor in Chief

Writers, Experts, Smart Alecks

Marie R
Marie R
Bill J
Bill J
David N
David N
Isabel O
Isabel O
Andy E
Andy E
Dale A
Dale A
Paul W
Paul W
Neal H
Neal H