TRENDING: Shielding your project from hidden agendas.

Information from experts, contractors, and problem solvers.

Freedom of the Press — never stop learning.

The unseen house pest—Bed Bugs!

The unseen house pest—Bed Bugs!

The unseen house pest—Bed Bugs!Bed bugs, which survive solely on blood, can be found in both clean and unclean homes and hotel rooms. It's not a sign of filth to have them in your house.Bed bugs typically bite people while they are sleeping and are most active at...

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The Cause of your Project’s Problems

The Cause of your Project’s Problems

Unraveling the Mystery: Shielding your project from hidden agendas.  Hidden agendas, or undisclosed motives, can have a detrimental impact on a project. When team members are not transparent about their intentions, it can lead to mistrust and confusion among the...

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Mold is the four letter word.

Mold is the four letter word.

Mold is a constant battle.The US Environmental Protection Agency warns that molds may be harmful to people's health. Molds produce mycotoxins, which are occasionally potentially toxic substances that can cause allergic reactions, irritants, and allergens. After...

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Which contractor do you need?

Which contractor do you need?

The best person for the job may not be who you think.Choose a contractor with experience and photos of their work. Get 3 references and tight estimates of costs and time. You may need a licensed plumber or electrician or you may just need a handyman. There are a...

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Another new HVAC refrigerant

Another new HVAC refrigerant

Was your system installed before 2010, then read this!If your HVAC system is serviced and maintained, you may not be concerned with the latest required type of refrigerant. However, when your HVAC system runs out of refrigerant or needs repairs that require...

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